Thursday 20 May 2010

My last visit

Semalam adalah kali terakhir aku menapak di Whse for QC. Slmt tggl smua....,...stlh 13++ tahun semuanye tggl kenangan.
Nk nangis sedihnye tgk rack rack ni smua...byk sgt kenangan!!

-LindaSaiful -

Sunday 9 May 2010

Green Apple

Medicinal values of Apple: Recent studies have shown that an apple a day keeps you away from lung cancer, Alzheimer’s, breast cancer and heart problems. It is also reported that apples reduces the risk of colon and prostrate cancer.

But honestly to tell here akak mmg tak suka makan green apple.....tpi bila tergoggle about green apple its reminds me to my teammate Frances. Amoi ni mmg suka giler makan..can u imagine dia boleh telan 4 -5 biji sehari..tiap2 hari dia bawak bekal apple tpi green ajer!!

Bayangkan lah tiap2 hari...akak yg tgk jer pun dh muak...dh terasa sungguh MASAM nyer..!!

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

Happy Mother's Day

Alhamdulillah...this is what i got fr my lovely kids on mother's day. Terima Kasih yg tak terhingga dan bersyukur ke hadratnya kerna di kurniakan anak2 yg saling menyayangi.

Hafiz, Hakim & Aisyah sharing money fr their daily allowances & bought this for me. Ibu sukaaaa sangat..!! Thanks darlinggggss...!!

Saturday 1 May 2010

1st May

Selamat Hari Pekerja kepada seluruh golongan pekerja2 d Malaysia.

Attending wedding ceremony on labour day. Theme Hindustan....whole family of bride & groom berpakaian ala2 Hindustan.. lagu2 Hindustan juga bergegaran. Panasss d tambahkan lg dgn cuaca yg panas terik.....melekit2 lar smuanye!! But everyones really enjoying dgn penangan Hindustan.....

-LindaSaiful -

Bargain Hunters

Crash to warehse sales. actually m too lucky coz I've a frens that so efficients updating any sales whatever around Klg Valley. And of cos u can't keep ur money safely when u've a fren like me. This week we went to d boombastic sales of Zara at Atria Shopping Centre & Crocs at Ikano.

Long queue but it's doesn't matter as long can get a cheap prices.

-LindaSaiful -


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